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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Expressions, Present tense, Present Negative, Article 'no'

I suggest you to have a note book for our lessons. Write down: "watashi no hihongo no hon", my japanese book! Lets learn right away from the greetings:

ohayou gozaimasu = Good morning
konbanwa=good afternoon
oyasumi nasai=good night

arigatou gozaimasu=thank you
gomen nasai= sorry

o'genki desuka? = How are you?

When you answer, say: okagesamade genki desu = with god's grace, i am fine.

o'namae wa? = what is your name?

watashi wa pranavi desu = my name is pranavi

watashi = I
Wa is an article and Desu is like hindi "hein", used with present simple tense.

Lets now see the sentence structures:

this = kore (pronounced as KorE, with E' ending, not KOR)
that = are (arE)
pasakon = personal computer
empitsu = pencil

kore wa pasakon desu = this is a personal computer

are wa empitsu desu = that is a pencil

Quiz 1:

Translate following to English:

1. watashi wa Felix desu
2. are wa kuruma desu
3. kore wa tokkei desu

Translate to Japanese:

1. That is a television
2. This is a table
3. That is a mobile phone

kuruma = car
tokkei = clock / watch
terebi = television
keitai denwa = mobile phone


kore wa
watashi no kuruma desu = this is MY car

"watashi no" means MY and watashi means I; anata= you, anata no=your

are wa anata no kaban desu = that is your bag (kaban=bag)


I will now tell you how to make questions:

kore wa empitsu desuka?
Is this a pencil?

desu ending has changed to desuka , to make questions.
are wa kuruma desuka? = is that a car?


well,i will now tell you how to make negative sentences:

kore wa empitsu desuka? = is this a pencil?

iie, kore wa empitsu
ja arimasen = No, this is not a pencil
are wa kuruma desuka?
iie, are wa kuruma
ja arimasen = No, that is not a car.


desu to ja arimasen to make negative.
iie means NO, and to be used with YES or NO questions. YES = hai.

Now quiz 2: (translate to japanese)

1. Is this a table?
2. Is that a cat?
3 Is this your bag?
4. No, this is not my bag
5 Is that your house?
6 Yes, that is my house
7 That is not a tiger
8. This is not my shoe

cat = neko
house = ie
tiger = tora
shoe = kutsu


send me the answers! Between, try to by-heart 1 - 10 numbers in Nihongo

2. Ni



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quiz 1:

Translate following to English:

1. watashi wa Felix desu-My name is felix
2. are wa kuruma desu -That is a car
3. kore wa tokkei desu-This is a watch

Translate to Japanese:

1. That is a television-are wa terebi desu
2. This is a table-kore wa tsukue desu
3. That is a mobile phone-are wa keitai denwa desu

quiz 2: (translate to japanese)

1. Is this a table?-kore wa tsukue desuka?
2. Is that a cat?-are wa neko desuka?
3 Is this your bag?-kore wa anata no kaban desuka?
4. No, this is not my bag-kore wa watashi no kaban ja arimasen
5 Is that your house?-are wa anata no ie desuka?
6 Yes, that is my house-hai,are wa watashi no ie desu
7 That is not a tiger-are wa tora ja arimasen
8. This is not my shoe -kore wa watashi no kutsu ja arimasen

5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, i didnt see the mail written after that.ok i have written the answers.
1 my name is felix
2 that is a car
3 this is a clock

1 are wa terebi desu
2 kore wa (TABLE) desu
3 are wa keitai denwa desu

1 kore wa tsukue desuka?
2 are wa neka desuka?
3 kore wa anata no kaban desuka?
4 iie,kore wa kaban ja arimasen.
5 are wa ie desuka?
6 hai,are wa watashi no ie desu.
7 are wa tora ja arimasen.
8 kore wa watashi no kutsu ja arimasen.

5:57 AM  
Blogger Felix Bast said...

Pooja, well done, all correct!

Neha, Quiz 2, Q 2.
cat is NEKO, not nekA

Q4 iie,kore wa kaban ja arimasen

that means, THIS IS NOT A BAG.

You have to say this is not my bag

so, kore wa watashi no kaban ja arimasen

6:02 AM  

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